system environment/daemons
- 389-ds-base - 389 Directory Server (base)
- 389-ds-base-libs - Core libraries for 389 Directory Server
- bacula-client - Bacula backup client
- bacula-common - Common Bacula utilities
- bacula-console - Bacula management console
- bacula-console-bat - Bacula bat console
- bacula-director-common - Common Bacula Director files
- bacula-director-mysql - Bacula Director with MySQL database support
- bacula-director-postgresql - Bacula Director with PostgresSQL database support
- bacula-director-sqlite - Bacula Director with sqlite database support
- bacula-storage-common - Common Bacula storage daemon files
- bacula-storage-mysql - MySQL Bacula storage daemon files
- bacula-storage-postgresql - Common Bacula storage daemon files
- bacula-storage-sqlite - SQLite Bacula storage daemon files
- bacula-traymonitor - Bacula monitor for the Gnome and KDE system tray
- certmonger - Certificate status monitor and PKI enrollment client
- cups - Common Unix Printing System
- cups-lpd - Common Unix Printing System - lpd emulation
- gpm - A mouse server for the Linux console
- ksysguardd - Performance monitor daemon
- lldpad - Intel LLDP Agent
- nfs-utils - NFS utilities and supporting clients and daemons for the kernel NFS server
- nscd - A Name Service Caching Daemon (nscd).
- openldap - LDAP support libraries
- openldap-servers - LDAP server
- openldap-servers-sql - SQL support module for OpenLDAP server
- openssh-ldap - A LDAP support for open source SSH server daemon
- openssh-server - An open source SSH server daemon
- openswan - IPSEC implementation with IKEv1 and IKEv2 keying protocols
- openswan-doc - Full documentation of Openswan IPSEC implementation
- portreserve - TCP port reservation utility
- qpid-cpp-server - An AMQP message broker daemon
- qpid-cpp-server-cluster - Cluster support for the Qpid daemon
- rsyslog - Enhanced system logging and kernel message trapping daemons
- rsyslog-gnutls - TLS protocol support for rsyslog
- rsyslog-gssapi - GSSAPI authentication and encryption support for rsyslog
- rsyslog-mysql - MySQL support for rsyslog
- rsyslog-pgsql - PostgresSQL support for rsyslog
- rsyslog-relp - RELP protocol support for rsyslog
- telnet-server - The server program for the Telnet remote login protocol
- tftp-server - The server for the Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP)
- tuned - A dynamic adaptive system tuning daemon