01-07-00 I will start the upload of 61rolling(my rolling test release) to 6Xtest before I leave today. So on Monday the new version will be in place. Documentation Created beta installation instructions web page. Access via www.fnal.gov/cd/unix/linux under "beta" section. CDROM Image is at ftp://linux1.fnal.gov/linux/6Xtest/iso Latestest date is latest version. NOTE that the ftp is linux1 and not linux. Upgrades "Upgraded" autofs to v3.1.3-10. This is really the same version that is on FL 5.2.1 but rebuilt on 6.1.1. This version reads both yp and local auto.* maps. Upgraded autorpm-config. Cleaned up the config file by removing references to FL 5.2.1, Red Hat, and added workgroup and version independent entries for locations to store local RPMS - only used if the user uncomments the lines. Added packages: amanda-2.4.1p1-3 amanda-server-2.4.1p1-3 amanda-client-2.4.1p1-3 Upgraded the following packages because of y2k issues. libtiff-3.5.4-1.i386.rpm libtiff-devel-3.5.4-1.i386.rpm groff-1.15-1.i386.rpm groff-gxditview-1.15-1.i386.rpm sharutils-4.2.1-1.6.1.i386.rpm Misc Added autofs to the "Fermi Common" group. Thus all "Fermi" workgroups will get this automatically. Note that it needs portmap which is installed by default but not started by default. So the after.rpms.sh script should add the following line if autofs is needed. This has already been done for the "ODS" workgroup. chkconfig portmap on chkconfig autofs on /Fermi/common/scripts/post.sh Modified the copy of /etc/resolv.conf to only happen if there are no "nameserver" entries in /etc/resolv.conf. This was done to not overwrite any existing entries. Created the "METHOD" environment variable. It contains either "INSTALL" or "UPGRADE" depending on what the installer picked during the install. Modified the environment variable "MEDIA" to determine what media was used for the install. Contains either "NFS" or "CDROM". Keep a history of install/upgrades in /etc/FermiInstallHistory Upgraded the following packages which were obtained from RedHat pam-0.68-10.i386.rpm usermode-1.17-1.i386.rpm -connie -dan