1-21-00 Fermi Linux 6.1.1 I changed the top directory around. Moved releasenotes to Fermi.documentation Moved Fermi.CHANGELOG to Fermi.documentation Moved Fermi.releasenotes.xxxxx to Fermi.documentation Created a Fermi.README Summary of changes. Mostly for CDROM users. Upgraded the kernel to 2.2.14-1.0f1 This is the 2.2.14 from rawhide with the eepro100 driver change that I put in 2.2.12. OSS Workgroup enabled portmap enabled kde switch Changes from Troy /Fermi/RPMS added afs rpm. Will only work with kernels 2.2.12 and beyond. From Troy. added newer version of flpr in rpm form. No support intended or implied. From Randy. sh-utils-2.0-3f1.i386.rpm Changed echo.c by adding "#define V9_DEFAULT". This is so i that by default the following works echo "abc\ndef" gives abc def vs abc\def This is how echo worked on 5.2 On 6.1 you couild get it to do the same behavior if you used the "-e" option. Removed gnome from the OSS workgroup. It is just too big. Added KDE to the D0 workgroup per Simon. /RedHat/base/comps Removed zz_linux_time.h_fix package from comps file as well as packages dir. This can only be used with the 2.0 kernel series and breaks the 2.2 kernels. /Fermi/workgroups/Farms/scripts/farms.after.rpms.sh New version obtained from Troy. /Fermi/common/scripts/post.sh Added feature to allow workgroups to install "export" and "fnal.gov" restricted rpms during the install. This is implemented by making a /DONOTEXPORT/autoinstalled area for things like ssh /DONOTEXPORT/workgroups//RPMS area for workgroup RPMS Both of these areas are only available via fnal.gov addess via ftp from linux1.fnal.gov. linux1.fnal.gov only allows access via ftp. Thus these directories are not on linux.fnal.gov. Changed the /usr/local/bin/synclinux.sh script on linux1.fnal.gov to not delete these directories. /DONOTEXPORT/iso So I can out the DONOTEXPORT iso version out for ftp download from fnal.gov only addresses /DONOTEXPORT/workgroups/OSS/RPMS Added afs License restricted to fnal.gov /DONOTEXPORT/workgroups/CDF/RPMS Added "Citrix" rpm per Chris Green Export restricted /RedHat/base/comps Added serialconsole to "Fermi Compute Server" /RedHat/RPMS Added serialconsole rpm CDF WORKGROUP Added readline-devel gpm-devel Created a rpm to create a missing symbolic link for libg2c.a . Updated apache and apache-devel to new versions from redhat update area.