I'm killing time while I wait for life to shower me with meaning and happiness. -- Calvin

primary server load:6.44 6.26 6.23
secondary server load:
primary server http connections:6106 (IPv6 991)
secondary server http connections:

Current bandwidth utilization 2166.84 Mbit/s (primary server)
Bandwidth utilization bar
Current bandwidth utilization 0.00 Mbit/s (secondary server)
Bandwidth utilization bar

59562.01 TB transmitted since 2007-12-20
On average 10.01 TB per day
with a peak of 52.18 TB on 2024-03-28
23.06 TB transmitted yesterday
874.51 GB transmitted today

Mirror traffic breakdown by mirrored project from 2024-09-18

<2024-09-17 | overall | 2024-09-19>



Mirror Name%Data Transmitted
(% from secondary)
Data Requested #Requests
fedora 51.6344 % 10.90 TB
6.45 TB4433289
linuxmint.com 12.8296 % 2.71 TB
23.75 KB148045
ubuntu 5.4458 % 1.15 TB
14.74 GB791871
opensuse 5.2907 % 1.12 TB
1.45 GB851789
centos-stream 4.6790 % 1011.02 GB
512.51 GB314390
tdf 3.4731 % 750.45 GB
775.85 MB55668
mapsforge 3.3286 % 719.23 GB
685.31 MB9351
epel 2.5456 % 550.05 GB
146.53 GB206515
rocky 2.3094 % 499.01 GB
54.18 GB798120
almalinux 1.7758 % 383.70 GB
257.65 GB187796
gentoo 0.7796 % 168.45 GB
91.01 GB46279
sourceware.org 0.7083 % 153.05 GB
259.36 MB176189
centos 0.7080 % 152.98 GB
152.98 GB48328
debian 0.7071 % 152.79 GB
41.60 GB380630
hirensbootcd.org 0.3143 % 67.92 GB
0.00 Bytes79287
archlinux 0.2953 % 63.81 GB
13.29 GB20202
undef 0.2951 % 63.76 GB
30.15 KB260307
rpmfusion.org 0.2910 % 62.87 GB
8.39 GB206336
Mageia 0.2795 % 60.40 GB
23.73 GB13716
pcbsd 0.2516 % 54.37 GB
0.00 Bytes12828
kde 0.2199 % 47.51 GB
8.91 MB7810
gnome 0.2083 % 45.00 GB
229.75 MB86198
parrotsec 0.1899 % 41.03 GB
0.00 Bytes41202
fedora-secondary 0.1429 % 30.87 GB
0.00 Bytes695
OpenBSD 0.1384 % 29.91 GB
27.33 GB1419
gnu 0.1342 % 29.00 GB
8.89 MB7430
scientific 0.1305 % 28.19 GB
0.00 Bytes37537
alpine 0.1204 % 26.02 GB
0.00 Bytes33330
redhat 0.1122 % 24.25 GB
3.62 MB9776
eclipse 0.0831 % 17.95 GB
0.00 Bytes41049
mariadb 0.0793 % 17.14 GB
0.00 Bytes86254
raspbian 0.0749 % 16.19 GB
5.17 GB31211
kernel.org 0.0731 % 15.80 GB
1.65 GB4387
archive.rpmfusion.org 0.0627 % 13.56 GB
335.79 MB158310
mozilla 0.0458 % 9.89 GB
0.00 Bytes3650
CPAN 0.0315 % 6.81 GB
909.00 MB207427
postgresql 0.0198 % 4.27 GB
0.00 Bytes8053
tanglu 0.0196 % 4.23 GB
0.00 Bytes11950
repoforge 0.0186 % 4.02 GB
388.06 MB70375
apache 0.0161 % 3.49 GB
273.16 MB6990
openvz 0.0143 % 3.08 GB
0.00 Bytes5230
FreeBSD 0.0140 % 3.03 GB
0.00 Bytes671
suse 0.0116 % 2.51 GB
0.00 Bytes8907
aurox 0.0114 % 2.47 GB
0.00 Bytes4362
openmandriva 0.0103 % 2.23 GB
225.89 MB1326
dag 0.0103 % 2.22 GB
208.84 MB22528
wikipedia 0.0101 % 2.18 GB
0.00 Bytes17
atrpms 0.0085 % 1.84 GB
3.04 KB8608
openoffice 0.0077 % 1.66 GB
142.66 KB260
mandriva 0.0071 % 1.54 GB
0.00 Bytes3607
turnkeylinux 0.0071 % 1.53 GB
0.00 Bytes3063
redhat archive 0.0055 % 1.18 GB
0.00 Bytes56082
CCC 0.0054 % 1.17 GB
0.00 Bytes104
gimp 0.0039 % 868.39 MB
0.00 Bytes831
eldk 0.0018 % 396.60 MB
0.00 Bytes201
auroralinux 0.0014 % 318.97 MB
0.00 Bytes3575
xfree86 0.0014 % 314.41 MB
19.49 MB4499
info 0.0010 % 223.77 MB
0.00 Bytes11143
debian-multimedia 0.0008 % 176.35 MB
709.45 KB2378
freshrpms.net 0.0005 % 114.91 MB
1.73 MB3328
netscape 0.0005 % 112.79 MB
0.00 Bytes335
ximian 0.0005 % 103.51 MB
0.00 Bytes1186
nimblex 0.0004 % 96.97 MB
0.00 Bytes7
impi 0.0004 % 96.81 MB
0.00 Bytes6
gentoo-repo-changelog 0.0002 % 52.27 MB
0.00 Bytes17395
gnupg 0.0001 % 29.99 MB
104.19 KB579
openssl 0.0001 % 20.53 MB
0.00 Bytes124
rootlinux 0.0001 % 12.03 MB
0.00 Bytes1629
selfhtml 0.0000 % 8.10 MB
0.00 Bytes6
ccux-linux.de 0.0000 % 6.75 MB
0.00 Bytes32
fedora.us 0.0000 % 6.19 MB
2.28 MB422
ietf 0.0000 % 4.06 MB
666.84 KB121
packages.linuxmint.com 0.0000 % 2.84 MB
2.84 MB4
fuduntu 0.0000 % 2.42 MB
0.00 Bytes451
phprojekt 0.0000 % 2.04 MB
0.00 Bytes12
tuxmas 0.0000 % 1.82 MB
0.00 Bytes5
debian-backports 0.0000 % 1.11 MB
18.80 KB263
livna 0.0000 % 1012.43 KB
726.22 KB126
knoppix 0.0000 % 209.23 KB
373.26 KB9
centos-altarch 0.0000 % 166.65 KB
364.00 Bytes63
proftpd 0.0000 % 26.90 KB
0.00 Bytes25
percomp 0.0000 % 24.58 KB
0.00 Bytes13
limux 0.0000 % 17.88 KB
0.00 Bytes5
polippix 0.0000 % 13.24 KB
0.00 Bytes5
neooffice.org 0.0000 % 6.89 KB
0.00 Bytes4
download.mapsforge.org 0.0000 % 3.26 KB
3.26 KB3
RSYNC7.74 TB7.74 TB156942
FTP17.74 GB17.74 GB4094
HTTP13.34 TB0.00 Bytes9898503
Total21.10 TB7.76 TB10059539

Client Distribution Map 2024-09-18
RSYNC Distribution Map 2024-09-18

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