"When life gives you a lemon, make lemonade." -Susie "I say, when life gives you a lemon, wing it right back and add some lemons of your own!" -Calvin

primary server load:4.29 5.79 6.44
secondary server load:
primary server http connections:6528 (IPv6 1177)
secondary server http connections:

Current bandwidth utilization 858.08 Mbit/s (primary server)
Bandwidth utilization bar
Current bandwidth utilization 0.00 Mbit/s (secondary server)
Bandwidth utilization bar

60794.10 TB transmitted since 2007-12-20
On average 10.13 TB per day
with a peak of 52.18 TB on 2024-03-28
24.91 TB transmitted yesterday
3.53 TB transmitted today

Mirror traffic breakdown by mirrored project from 2024-09-20

<2024-09-19 | overall | 2024-09-21>



Mirror Name%Data Transmitted
(% from secondary)
Data Requested #Requests
fedora 46.0476 % 10.26 TB
6.10 TB3644434
linuxmint.com 13.7335 % 3.06 TB
34.91 KB180124
epel 9.2199 % 2.05 TB
507.46 GB596382
opensuse 7.4103 % 1.65 TB
566.76 GB771166
ubuntu 6.0933 % 1.36 TB
14.95 GB925003
mapsforge 3.3849 % 772.06 GB
0.00 Bytes11445
tdf 2.9974 % 683.69 GB
19.35 MB39740
centos-stream 2.8718 % 655.03 GB
71.97 GB248822
rocky 2.1453 % 489.32 GB
6.13 GB735222
almalinux 0.8213 % 187.32 GB
6.44 GB189932
undef 0.7138 % 162.82 GB
9.55 KB270763
debian 0.7031 % 160.37 GB
42.82 GB378186
gentoo 0.5940 % 135.48 GB
74.67 GB60662
hirensbootcd.org 0.5085 % 115.99 GB
0.00 Bytes79420
rpmfusion.org 0.2710 % 61.82 GB
89.56 MB206045
archlinux 0.2220 % 50.64 GB
13.15 GB17168
pcbsd 0.2198 % 50.13 GB
0.00 Bytes12467
kde 0.2058 % 46.94 GB
4.47 MB7427
alpine 0.1981 % 45.18 GB
0.00 Bytes65445
gnu 0.1795 % 40.93 GB
15.79 MB14866
Mageia 0.1345 % 30.68 GB
14.88 GB12621
parrotsec 0.1148 % 26.18 GB
0.00 Bytes34418
archive.rpmfusion.org 0.1117 % 25.48 GB
280.64 MB174232
OpenBSD 0.1011 % 23.07 GB
19.55 GB1865
mariadb 0.0996 % 22.73 GB
0.00 Bytes89954
kernel.org 0.0941 % 21.46 GB
0.00 Bytes5449
eclipse 0.0939 % 21.42 GB
113.06 MB58854
gnome 0.0873 % 19.90 GB
327.67 MB57368
sourceware.org 0.0627 % 14.31 GB
991.02 MB15345
raspbian 0.0534 % 12.18 GB
1.98 GB33606
repoforge 0.0487 % 11.11 GB
385.82 MB75682
mozilla 0.0466 % 10.62 GB
0.00 Bytes3701
fedora-secondary 0.0394 % 9.00 GB
0.00 Bytes3419
dag 0.0383 % 8.73 GB
246.16 MB18642
scientific 0.0371 % 8.46 GB
0.00 Bytes72936
atrpms 0.0363 % 8.28 GB
3.04 KB26779
openoffice 0.0282 % 6.43 GB
0.00 Bytes682
download.mapsforge.org 0.0274 % 6.26 GB
6.26 GB3
FreeBSD 0.0268 % 6.11 GB
2.47 GB619
openmandriva 0.0152 % 3.46 GB
302.05 MB2515
apache 0.0135 % 3.08 GB
0.00 Bytes4498
openvz 0.0121 % 2.75 GB
0.00 Bytes7405
eldk 0.0116 % 2.64 GB
0.00 Bytes544
redhat archive 0.0116 % 2.64 GB
2.52 MB23551
gimp 0.0102 % 2.32 GB
0.00 Bytes3173
CPAN 0.0101 % 2.30 GB
715.10 MB160742
packages.linuxmint.com 0.0100 % 2.27 GB
2.27 GB7
redhat 0.0097 % 2.22 GB
5.89 MB11095
tanglu 0.0093 % 2.13 GB
0.00 Bytes5148
suse 0.0086 % 1.96 GB
0.00 Bytes11340
auroralinux 0.0075 % 1.71 GB
0.00 Bytes9032
aurox 0.0066 % 1.50 GB
0.00 Bytes3502
wikipedia 0.0053 % 1.22 GB
0.00 Bytes42
turnkeylinux 0.0046 % 1.06 GB
0.00 Bytes5027
CCC 0.0039 % 912.36 MB
0.00 Bytes173
nimblex 0.0033 % 775.98 MB
0.00 Bytes21
ximian 0.0031 % 719.00 MB
0.00 Bytes984
xfree86 0.0029 % 684.47 MB
28.52 MB4004
mandriva 0.0026 % 597.79 MB
0.00 Bytes1970
gnupg 0.0023 % 546.05 MB
0.00 Bytes745
info 0.0017 % 399.37 MB
0.00 Bytes8399
postgresql 0.0017 % 390.59 MB
0.00 Bytes10424
centos 0.0013 % 302.55 MB
300.27 MB679
fuduntu 0.0013 % 301.79 MB
0.00 Bytes1047
polippix 0.0012 % 290.79 MB
0.00 Bytes19
freshrpms.net 0.0011 % 261.77 MB
1.73 MB2437
tuxmas 0.0008 % 194.46 MB
0.00 Bytes20
limux 0.0008 % 193.89 MB
0.00 Bytes16
debian-multimedia 0.0008 % 177.03 MB
0.00 Bytes2518
openssl 0.0007 % 169.99 MB
0.00 Bytes188
impi 0.0006 % 141.23 MB
0.00 Bytes14
rootlinux 0.0004 % 89.69 MB
0.00 Bytes1816
gentoo-repo-changelog 0.0003 % 62.26 MB
0.00 Bytes33379
proftpd 0.0001 % 34.70 MB
0.00 Bytes159
selfhtml 0.0001 % 33.81 MB
0.00 Bytes20
ietf 0.0001 % 12.69 MB
666.84 KB381
fedora.us 0.0000 % 8.22 MB
1.20 MB562
debian-backports 0.0000 % 6.34 MB
35.97 KB283
ccux-linux.de 0.0000 % 6.24 MB
0.00 Bytes38
percomp 0.0000 % 2.14 MB
0.00 Bytes57
livna 0.0000 % 1.19 MB
886.87 KB140
phprojekt 0.0000 % 688.55 KB
0.00 Bytes18
netscape 0.0000 % 662.16 KB
0.00 Bytes293
centos-altarch 0.0000 % 173.28 KB
1.66 KB111
knoppix 0.0000 % 148.47 KB
160.07 KB18
neooffice.org 0.0000 % 16.28 KB
0.00 Bytes5
archive.parrotsec.org 0.0000 % 1.36 KB
1.36 KB8
RSYNC7.38 TB7.38 TB16228
FTP19.08 GB19.08 GB6796
HTTP14.87 TB0.00 Bytes9436437
Total22.27 TB7.40 TB9459461

Client Distribution Map 2024-09-20
RSYNC Distribution Map 2024-09-20

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